Integrated Home Health Service


Integrated Health Service (IHS) is a program that actively involves the entire family through a team of specialists, along with your current service providers, to provide resources, support, and referrals and ensure your needs are met. Our services are unique to each family.  ihs picture

We understand that finding the right services and support for your child and your family can be difficult. IHS is here to make that process easier. Your child’s health is very important and IHS can assist in helping your child and your family live a healthy and happy life.

Children’s Square IHS, through Iowa Medicaid, is more than just physical or mental health care. With IHS, the choices are in your hands. Integrated Health is here when you need us and we can be involved as much or as little as you want.

Children’s Square Integrated Health collaborates with many community agencies and programs that are committed to the family-centered, total wellness philosophy of Integrated Health. For more information about this program, please call 712-322-3700 or fill out the form below and we will contact you.


For more information or to start enrollment:

11 + 12 =
