The Purpose of Friends of Children’s Square U.S.A. is to promote community interest and stimulate charitable activities that support Children’s Square U.S.A.

Join Friends of Children’s Square U.S.A.
Fill out this form to join us as a Friend of Children’s Square. Pick a donation level, if you would like to make a reocurring donation you can do that by selecting the box next to, “Show my support by making this a recurring donation”.
We have five different levels you can choose from. If you would like to donate more than the minimum per level please use the “other” button at the bottom.
Friends Membership:
Sustaining $25.00 – $49.99
Benefactor $50.00 – $99.99
Advocate $100.00 – $249.99
Partner $250.00 – $499.99
Promoter $500.00 & Up
Please fill out the form and in the last field tell us how much you would like to contribute to your membership.
Thank you for making as difference in the lives of the children at Children’s Square USA.
